How Do I Commission a Cultural Impact Assessment?

You can request a CIA directly from the iwi/hapū who hold manawhenua in the area.

The register of iwi authorities and hapū groups held by councils should contain a list of contact details for each iwi authority or hapū group within the district or region. This should provide either direct contact details or referral to the people who can prepare a CIA on behalf of the tangata whenua of the area.

CIAs are most effective when their terms of reference and the CIA process are developed as part of a collaborative process between the applicant (or other party commissioning the report) and tangata whenua. Terms of Reference should outline:

  • the name of the person to write the report and their mandate from the iwi/hapū who hold manawhenua

  • the proposed methodology to facilitate the identification and assessment of effects

  • key deliverables including time frames and milestones

  • costs including travel, koha for meetings and consultation, research and report preparation and any other resources that may be needed

  • communication routes and contacts

  • intellectual property/use of information in the report.