This resource has not been updated and does not reflect best practice.
Search Ministry for the Environment publications
- Aquaculture
- Guide to assessing the effects of aquaculture activities on fisheries resources (Ministry of Primary Industries; June 2013)
- Mechanisms for managing allocation of coastal space (Ministry for Primary Industries; May 2012)
- Current coastal permit applications and recent aquaculture decisions (Ministry for Primary Industries)
- Information sheet on the undue adverse effects test (Ministry for Primary Industries; November 2012)
- Information sheet on the roles, responsibilities and charges associated with the undue adverse effects test (Ministry for Primary Industries; November 2012)
- Maori and aquaculture development (Te Puni Kokiri; June 2007)
- Coastal Consents
- Working in the coastal marine area (Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand; January 2000)
- Marine Environment
- Expert risk analysis of activities in the New Zealand Exclusive Economic zone and extended continental shelf (Ministry for the Environment; May 2012)
- Managing our oceans: A discussion document on the regulations proposed under the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf (Ministry for the Environment; May 2012)
- Sensitive marine benthic habitats defined (NIWA; April 2012)
- The New Zealand marine environment classification (Ministry for the Environment; June 2005)
- Marine pollution
- Dealing with sewage safely and responsibly on your boat (Ministry for the Environment; May 2002)
- Oceans
- Getting our priorities right (Ministry for the Environment; June 2005)
- Offshore options: Managing environmental effects in New Zealand’s exclusive economic zone (Ministry for the Environment; June 2005)
- Tsunami risk and preparedness in New Zealand (Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management; 2005)