What is included in a Cultural Impact Assessment?

The content and structure of a CIA may differ between iwi/hapū groups and with the nature and scale of the proposed activity. However, a CIA should always include:

  • Information on the relevant cultural values associated with the site or area (noting that iwi/hapū may choose not to fully disclose information about some sites);

  • The effects on those values, and the relationship of tangata whenua to them, as a result of the proposed activity; and

  • Recommendations to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects, including but not limited to recommended conditions of consent should the application be granted.

A well-crafted CIA will provide this information in a manner that is clear, concise and relevant to the proposed activity.

Generally, a CIA report will also include:

  • methodology - description of the consultative processes used in preparing the report (site visit, hui, tangata whenua presentations, reviews of draft and sign off)

  • a brief description of the proposed activity

  • recognition of the iwi/hapū within the area subject to the application and a description of who the report is being prepared on behalf of

  • a brief overview of the relevant planning framework

  • iwi/hapū expectations for 'where to from here' - the process following the CIA.

A CIA may also include an Archaeological Assessment or survey (as a subcontracted separate report that provides tangata whenua with information needed to assess impacts on archaeological values from a cultural perspective).