Early is best. Applicants should be encouraged to contact tangata whenua at least at the pre-application stage, but preferably during the concept formulation stage.
See Pre-application advice to an applicant for more information.
Commissioning a CIA early in the application process can assist in developing the proposal and preparing a complete application. Early input could also provide opportunity for iwi/hapū to influence or have input into the design and planning of projects to address potential adverse effects on cultural values before commitments are finalised. Thus a CIA may be a staged process, with the final assessment taking into account the early consultation and input. It allows time for a report to be prepared and potential effects on cultural values to be considered and incorporated into the proposal. Preparing a CIA early in the process allows the opportunity for a relationship to develop between the applicant and tangata whenua.
Other reports or research that may be commissioned for the consent application may be useful for the preparation of a CIA, as these may identify effects that may need to be considered in the CIA (e.g. technical reports such as a marine ecology survey, or water quality sampling results). Coordinating the timing of such reports is important.
However, a CIA can be prepared at any stage of the consent process and can be commissioned by various parties including:
an applicant can request a CIA directly from the iwi/hapū.
the council can suggest the applicant contact the tangata whenua of the area/site subject to an application if the scale and nature of the activity is likely to have an impact on their cultural associations with the environment
an iwi or hapū may approach the council or the applicant, after becoming aware of a resource consent application, to advise that a CIA is necessary to identify and assess the effects of the application on tangata whenua
any of the parties can request a CIA in response to the accidental discovery of artefacts or other taonga (valued possessions) or sites of significance to tangata whenua during unconsented works or during the early stages of a consented activity
the council can request the applicant to commission a CIA to provide further information under s92. See Requesting further information.
A hearings panel or commissioners can request that further information be provided during a hearing, under s41C.
The EPA can request information or commission a report, under s149.