Who prepares a Cultural Impact Assessment?

A CIA is generally prepared by, or on behalf of, the iwi/hapū who hold manawhenua in the area of the proposed activity.

It is important that the person preparing the CIA has a good understanding of the Māori cultural values and interests in the area affected by the proposal. The writer of the CIA report should have a clear mandate from the tangata whenua they are preparing the assessment for. This will provide all parties with a level of confidence and understanding, and ensure that the CIA process is effective. Members of the iwi/hapū are often the best source of this expertise and information.

Some iwi/hapū groups have resource management units, officers, or preferred service providers who undertake resource management work. Where a professional writer or consultant is used to prepare a CIA report, these people should actively engage tangata whenua in the preparation of the report, through hui, interviews or other appropriate methods. To ensure the consent process is a smooth one, the final report should have the mandate or sign off from the iwi/hapū.