A CIA can identify the actual or likely effects of a proposal on cultural values and interests, both positive and adverse. Early identification of effects can enable modification of the proposal, if required, to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects.
Benefits of a CIA can include:
improved tangata whenua understanding of the proposal
a more comprehensive AEE, and therefore increased certainty for council with regard to tangata whenua values
agreement between tangata whenua and the applicant on how to avoid, remedy or mitigate any relevant potential adverse effects of the application on tangata whenua, prior to lodgement of the resource consent application
increased certainty and understanding of effects on cultural values and reduced risk of unintentional or unexpected effects from consented activities
proposed consent conditions should the application be approved
improved relationships and communication routes that facilitate more effective future contact and outcomes for all parties
encouraging active participation of tangata whenua in resource management and improving the representation of the interests of tangata whenua
incorporation of the relevant matters in Part 2 into resource consent decision-making, and appropriate weight afforded to these
local authorities fostering the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes under the Local Government Act 2002
local authorities satisfying consultation requirements under the Local Government Act 2002
increased public awareness of the relationship of Māori with natural and physical resources and the importance of Māori as a partner in the resource management process
better cultural and environmental outcomes.