The plan topic notes have not been updated for best practice.
Topics related to the planning process and industries of interest are listed below.
Aggregates and Quarry - 2013 |
Agricultural Aviation - 2015 |
Air Quality - 2013 |
Climate Change -2013 |
Coastal Land Development - 2013 |
Earthwork Management -2013 |
Hazardous Substances - 2019 |
Historic Heritage - 2014 |
Indigenous Biodiversity - 2013 |
Land Transport - 2013 |
Land Transport Noise - 2013 |
Landscape - 2013 |
Natural Hazards - 2013 |
Subdivisions - 2013 |
Wine Industry - 2014 |
QP guidance note on Planning for Water Allocation
The QP guidance note on Planning for Water Allocation has been superseded by the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014. The freshwater NPS sets out the objectives and policies for freshwater management under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
A national policy statement is a planning instrument available under the RMA, which must be interpreted and given effect to within the context of the RMA. The freshwater NPS gives direction on the outcomes sought for water allocation, but it does not specify how to achieve these outcomes. It is up to local authorities and their communities to determine appropriate local objectives and methods to achieve the outcomes.
The Ministry for the Environment has produced (and is continuing to produce) a range of guidance resources to support the implementation of the freshwater NPS. This guidance is available on the Ministry’s website.
QP guidance note on Radio Frequency
The QP guidance note on Radio Frequency has been superseded by the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities) Regulations 2008 (the Radio Frequency NES).
National environmental standards are regulations developed in accordance with sections 43 and 44 of the Resource Management Act 1991. Every local authority and consent authority must observe national environmental standards and must enforce the observance of these standards, to the extent their powers enable them to do so. The Radio Frequency NES replaces certain existing rules in district plans and bylaws that affect the activities of telecommunications operators.
The Ministry for the Environment has produced a user guide entitled National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities: Users’ Guide (2009). This document provides guidance on implementing and explaining the Radio Frequency NES for practitioners in local government, the telecommunications industry and the public generally. The user-guide also describes the relationship between the regulations and existing local government controls. This guidance is available on the Ministry’s website.
QP guidance note on Surface Water Quality
The QP guidance note on Surface Water Quality has been superseded by the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014. The freshwater NPS sets out the objectives and policies for freshwater management under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
A national policy statement is a planning instrument available under the RMA, which must be interpreted and given effect to within the context of the RMA. The freshwater NPS gives direction on the outcomes sought for water allocation, but it does not specify how to achieve these outcomes. It is up to local authorities and their communities to determine appropriate local objectives and methods to achieve the outcomes.
The Ministry for the Environment has produced (and is continuing to produce) a range of guidance resources to support the implementation of the freshwater NPS. This guidance is available on the Ministry’s website.