A wide range of approaches can be taken to manage non-residential activities in residential areas, and the most appropriate one will depend on local circumstances. The actions listed below will assist in formulating a strategy for managing non-residential activities.
- Undertake an analysis, in consultation with the community, stakeholders and affected parties, of the nature and character of neighbourhoods and areas within an urban area as a whole.
- Consider whether any residential areas have special amenity characteristics that require enhanced protection.
- Assess whether development pressures are likely to compromise or adversely affect small residential areas or transition zones, and determine whether their long-term retention for residential purposes would be realistic.
- Consider how beneficial economic and employment outcomes can be accommodated by a host community. Assess where development pressures are likely to lead to conflict between incompatible activities and whether there should be provisions to discourage particular activities in residential areas.
- Consider whether retaining particular areas in residential use is an anomaly in terms of adjoining land-use patterns.
- Assess the extent and nature of existing non-residential activities in the area, and whether particular types of development should be of a similar character and scale.
- Explore opportunities to facilitate environmental compensation, such as providing viable uses for heritage buildings in the area, or measures to discourage the loss of such buildings.
- Assess the capacity and safety of the local road network.