Tangata Whenua - Definitions

Key definitions

Hapu: clan, tribe, subtribe - section of a large tribe. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.maoridictionary.co.nz)

Iwi: tribe, nation, people, race. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.maoridictionary.co.nz)

Iwi authority: the authority which represents an iwi and which is recognised by that iwi as having authority to do so. (Source: s2 of the RMA)

Kaitiakitanga: the exercise of guardianship by the tangata whenua of an area in accordance with tikanga Maori in relation to natural and physical resources; and includes the ethic of stewardship. (Source: s2 of the RMA)

Kaumatua: adult, elder, elderly man, elderly woman. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.maoridictionary.co.nz)

Kawanatanga: government. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.maoridictionary.co.nz)

Koha: gift, present, offering, donation or contribution. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.maoridictionary.co.nz)

Mana Whakahono a Rohe : An iwi participation agreement entered into under the Resource Management Act 1991 (section 58L of the RMA

Mana whenua: Territorial rights, power from the land - power associated with possession and occupation of tribal land. The tribe's history and legends are based in the lands they have occupied over generations and the land provides the sustenance for the people and to provide hospitality for guests. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.Maoridictionary.co.nz)

Runanga: council, tribal council, assembly. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.Maoridictionary.co.nz)

Tangata Whenua: the iwi, or hapu, that holds mana whenua over a particular area. For the purpose of this guidance document, the term tangata whenua has been used to apply to both singular tangata whenua groups and multiple tangata whenua groups. (Source: s2 of the RMA)

Taonga: property, goods, possessions, effects, treasure, something prized. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.Maoridictionary.co.nz)

Te Kahui Mangai: a directory of Iwi and Maori Organisations. 

Tikanga: correct procedure, custom, habit, lore, method, manner, rule, way, code, meaning, reason, plan, practice, convention. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.maoridictionary.co.nz)

Tino rangatiratanga: self determination. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.Maoridictionary.co.nz)

Wahi tapu: means a place sacred to Maori in the traditional, spiritual, religious, ritual, or mythological sense (Source: section 2 of the Historic Places Act 1993)

Whanau: extended family, family group. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.maoridictionary.co.nz)

Whanaungatanga: relationship. (Source: Maori Dictionary www.maoridictionary.co.nz)