Who to Consult and the Role of Councils?

Depending on the nature, scale and location of the proposed activity, there are a number of parties that an applicant or the council might consult. This includes:

  • regional council, if an application is to be made to the district council

  • district councils, if an application is to be made to a regional council

  • local community boards of district councils where they exist

  • tangata whenua group(s)

  • residents' associations/ community groups/ business associations/ recreational associations or clubs

  • national and local environmental groups

  • individual landowners and tenants

  • the local office of the Regional Fish and Game Council

  • the local conservancy of the Department of Conservation

  • New Zealand Historic Places Trust

  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

  • New Zealand Transport Agency

  • Public Health Services

  • service authorities or utility providers, i.e. power companies, airports, port companies, telecommunications companies

  • resource user groups.

Councils should consider developing a standard contact list of statutory agencies, utility bodies, tangata whenua groups etc that may be appropriate to consult with. This list could be included as part of an application pack, brochures, or on councils website. Such lists could be particular to localities within the district or region. These lists can become out of date quickly, therefore councils need to ensure the information is regularly updated to avoid inaccuracies.

Councils should provide guidance to applicants on the appropriate tangata whenua group to consult using their records of iwi and hapu within its region or district as required by s35A of the RMA. These records should include:

  • the contact details of any iwi authority within the region or district and any groups within the region or district that represent hapu (if requested by hapu)

  • the area over which kaitiakitanga is exercised for each iwi authority and hapu (if requested by hapu)

  • any iwi planning documents recognised and lodged with the council by iwi authorities.

  • any Mana Whakahono ā Rohe entered into (iwi participation arrangement)